希望这些能在各位的把妹事业中有所帮助! Phone Number
An area of my game that is particularly strong is my ability totalk to girls on the phone. If a girl picks up after giving me her number, Iknow that in 99 out of 100 cases, I will fuck that girl. It is therefore agreat skill to have. If you can get your skills on the phone sorted, it willhelp you in so many areas of your game.
I run natural game and I therefore cannot give you the conversation. (I canhelp you with this, but not on this thread). I can however give you theprinciples that I have developed that have helped me to get literally hundredsof women into my bed.
Some basic info:
The main goal of my phone game is to talk to them like you have known them foryears. “Hey Carly… how’s it going?”… “What’s going on in your world today???”
I always look to build up time on the phone with that person… I am looking tobecome a significant part of their life. When you start to game a girl on thephone, there will come a point where she always picks up your call… Where shealways calls you back and gets excited when she sees you calling. This is likea tipping point and this is the point that we all must aim. Tipping points varydepending on each girl and the quality of your phone game, but it is importantto have this goal in mind.
I usually send a text the day i will call them. I will not ask any questions inthat text (needy) and I won't care if i get a reply. I will just send a textwith some call back humour. Direct and dominant. If i kissed the girl before Itook her number, i will always remind her of this:
"I kissed you last night.... don't you ever forget that... i'll call youlater, BG xxx"
? I rarely say hello… especially after a few calls with that person… I normallygo straight into the conversation. “What are you doing?” This is exciting andit’s fun and it gets the convo going with a good energy. I find that stoppingand introducing yourself is a little needy.
? NEVER BE NEEDY… it kills attraction fast. “Why haven’t you returned my call?”“Are you ignoring me?” These are things you should never say… If she hasn’treturned your call, don’t let it bother you. You need to make this girl realisethat you are not hanging on her every word… that a call from her isn’t going tomake your day… that you don’t give a fuck.
Give girls nicknames. If one comes to you straight away, then use it and stickwith it… Don’t worry about shit tests… Keep hammering her with it and it will stick.Every other guy is calling her Kate or Lucy or Carrie… DON’T BE EVERY OTHERGUY.
The more interesting girls will start giving you nicknames in return… acceptthem willingly… It’s a connection that you have with this girl that very fewother guys in her life have.
? Swear at girls in a playful way… DON’T START BY CALLING THEM A CUNT.“Swearing escalation” is like kino escalation or sexual escalation. You need tostart slowly and when they accept it, move forward. Keep your voice toneplayful.. … Cow… Bitch… You bastard… you wanker… you fuck head… you piece ofshit… you cunt. I am swearing at every girl I fuck. It’s fun… it’s sooffensive, it’s actually non-offensive and no other guys are swearing at themlike that. Be the guy who is strong enough to do that shit and it will pay yourewards.
Practice, practice, practice – You will not wake up tomorrow and just be amaster at using the phone because you read my post on phone game. It may behard for you at first, but you verbal skills will develop over hours spent onthe phone.
I hope it helps.
Baby Girl xxx